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Two years ago I realised I was tired of relying on my glasses, which I felt were a weight on my shoulders. I decided to travel without them, which was a very bold move considering my -11 dioptric prescription. I didn’t realise that what I was actually doing was challenging myself to see the world and myself in a different way, as my studies had taught me to do.


Could you describe the last time you felt like challenging yourself and going beyond your comfort zone? To look at yourself from the outside? I learnt that as soon as we begin to challenge ourselves, we begin to transform ourselves.


So, this was my big challenge — to stop being dependent on my glasses. After a while, I realised that dependence is not so bad. In the words of Dr. Carlos Parra, the Director of the Institute for the Blind of Colombia (INCI) during an interview, he stated that: 'We all depend on something in one way or another... we depend on the whole chain society generates in order to survive'. I was shocked. He was absolutely right. I was empowered by Dr. Parra, a visually impaired person since the age of 10, Director of INCI, a lawyer, and representative for the blind community with the United Nations, to put my fear of dependency aside.


My personal transformation had begun. Yours could begin here!




Janelle French


© 2023 por Janelle French Insight: A Film. Creado con

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